

You know what they say…

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” But that’s not what you want when it comes to your birth! Considering in advance how you desire to be cared for during your labor and delivery not only gives confidence to you and your partner, it can be a valuable communication tool for your whole birth team.

How a consultation can benefit you

Birth plans can be a powerful tool when they are created with an understanding of how they should be used. Even more than conveying your desires to your care provider, the process of writing a birth plan allows you and your partner to consider in advance each of the choices you will be presented leading up to and during the birth of your child. So instead of needing to weigh the pros and cons of an important decision about your or your child’s care in the midst of labor, you will have the freedom and confidence to focus on what’s most important - bringing your child into the world.

A birth plan also gives your partner a road map when you are needing to use your energy to concentrate on working through labor, when sharing your desires is not as easy. In those moments, your partner can speak with confidence to your care provider regarding your desires because you would have already discussed them in detail.

But let’s also address what a birth plan isn’t. It isn’t a list of demands and it isn’t written under the assumption that every step of your labor and birth will follow exactly as you have outlined. In fact, for a lot of women, their birth may take a turn or two off of the road they envisioned being on. But that doesn’t mean the journey can’t be a wonderful one! Unexpected detours don’t have to be scary, or even unwanted, when you have learned about and discussed your options in advance.

Birth Plan Consultation Details:

There are a lot of options accessible to you during your pregnancy, labor and delivery, and it can be overwhelming to process them all. During our consultation, I will walk you through the topics you should address as part of your birth plan (some of which you may not have even known to include) and provide unbiased and thorough information on each of them so that you can determine what is best for you and your baby. Based on your personal priorities and birth goals, I will help you create a comprehensive yet concise birth plan that clearly outlines your informed desires.

Consultation length:

Consultation fee:

Meeting format:

90 minutes


In-person or virtual

Partners are strongly encouraged to participate in the consultation.

Be informed. Be prepared. Be confident.